Friday, December 20, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Follow your greatest excitement!

I've heard, that when you, IN EVERY MOMENT possible, follow your greatest excitement....that is, in every moment, of all the possible choices you have available to you, you choose to do the THING that is MOST exciting to you, you will vibrate at a frequency that is most representative of your TRUE SELF, there by resulting in a chain of what seems like coincidences, but is actually moments of synchronicity.  The closer you get to that frequency, your vibration radiates and you, as a result, experience an increased number of synchronistic moments as well as Deja vu like sensations.  Deja vu has best been explained as an idea of space and time, that runs in all directions, and when you allow yourself to be more in the moment, you get a sense of the backward direction of time as well as the forward direction.  You are seeing the forward arrow of time and the backward direction of time simultaneously. (Bashar 2012)  This is further emphasized by the idea that what appears to be different moments is really the SAME moment, experienced from a different point of view. There is no past, there is no future, there is only NOW and NOW and NOW, etc.

With that said, in order for you to understand HOW funny this is, I have been drawing a lot of things that, well, EXCITE me.  Here are a few:

Black Stallion

 Cow #1


 Horse Snoot


Barred Rock Chicken

Wild Flowers


Horse Among leaves


My next drawing is going to be started TODAY 12/19/ will be what I've been calling "Dave the Happy Elephant".   You can't help but smile when you see this picture.  

IN A SYNCHRONISTIC MOMENT today my dog Sunny, came in from outside (he often brings me items and seems to AIM for the scenario where I will scream and proceed to chase him AROUND the entire house (he's crafty)  in attempt to capture the item by  by forcing my fingernails in between his tightly clenched teeth, PRYING open his mouth, whereby which i have to let go with one hand, keeping the other hand wrapped around the inside of his teeth, RISKING APPENDAGES, swab around in there, usually underneath his tongue, and back to the furthest part of his throat to find the DANGEROUS item in order to remove it)  Its a little game we play 2-3 times per day...EVERY DAY!  NOW....with that said...TODAY....he runs in from outside...I can already hear, by the way he's trotting towards me, through the house....:|  he's got something.   I hear a pawing at the door, I FEEL him there waiting...LAUGHING inside!  I can even hear the wind his tail is making as he wags it as he waits.  I open the bathroom door and see this:
.(this is just for effect, keep going lol)

Brother from another Mother or kindred spirits?

THIS has solidified it!  The drawing of Dave will be completed today! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy belated bark day Jazzy!

Dear Jazzy,

Happy belated bark day to you! I totally missed it in July, but I'm a dog so what did you expect. We have fun this summer! Mama has to take me for a walk every single day or else I will go ballistic! I'm calming down a little tho.

I take lots of naps if Mama holds me like a baby.

Yawwwwwwwn, I'm tired.

We went hiking to Lewis and Clark trail, I stood on the cliff overlooking the Missouri River, but even tho my toes were dangling off the edge, I wasn't scared. Mama looked real dizzy tho.

What's down there? Lot's of rabbits I bet.

We got shaved for the summer, but my cashmere coat is growing back good now. I hope you had a nice summer! Maybe we can meet up at the dog park sometime, yay!




Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Monty...It was love at first sight

Have you ever met a physical being that you INSTANTLY adore?

 I have.

His name is Monty. He's a most handsome dog.

And there he appeared before me, in a ray of light,  like an angel that had just come down from heaven! 

Oh you handsome devil you ;)

oooooooo i love doggy kisses!

I think I will paint a portrait of you and give it to your owner, my cousin Janelle.  She is sooo lucky. :)


YOU are a vision of lovliness and a sweet sweet soul.

Until we meet again, my sweet Monty. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday Chance!

Happy Birthday Chance!

 (aka: Chancy Clancy Clown)

There has never been a sweeter more good natured creature in all of the land!  Everyone who meets you KNOWS instantly that you are special.  Not just because you lay at their feet waiting for a belly scratch, but because of your calm sweet energy.  If any disgruntled dog runs up to you ready to attack, your calm assertiveness diffuses them almost immediately.  Don't get me wrong, I have seen you defend yourself, I have seen you defend your brothers against attack, YOU ARE NO PUSHOVER, except where your bro Sunny is concerned.  For some reason you have accepted that you are Sunny's chew toy and whipping boy. You are so patient with him, a true gem you are!! I am convinced that you were a horse at some point. I've explained this to you, don't act like you don't know. I loved you Chance, Happy Birthday and many many more. :)


Time for the annual B-day shopping trip!

Here we are !  What do you want for your B-day Chance?  How about a nice new Waggin' Green bamboo collar?  Let's see BLUE or PURPLE?   I think Blue look best for you Chance!  Oh, you're such a great model.   

Oh free treats from the lady at the shop!  Yay Mutter Butters! 

No B-day is complete without a party and a Happy Birthday bone!  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Jack ole' buddy, ole' pal!


Happy Birthday my forever loyal friend!    

Jack's 13th birthday started off with the usual "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY, ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY, ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY JACKIE BROWWWWWWWWWWN, jingle.  Now I'll have you know EVERYONE knows what this jingle means...and that some MAJOR doggy fun is about to commence!

1st order of business - SHOPPING TRIP! 

By the look on his face, he probably thought he was going to the vet.  NOT TODAY MY LOVE!  NO doctors allowed on BirthDay! 

Yay Pets Mart!  ...slow down, slow down!       "oh a Guniea Pig viewing event! ..."

"DONE...let's go!  I've got isles to pee in!  ooo...let's be sure to pee a river in an isle that has run out of CLEAN UP TOWELS, WOO HOO! "

"Hmm...wHat dO i WAnt for MY BiRThdAy?....hmmmm"

"Lemme test out this Orthopedic bed....."

" i LOVE IT!  I'm just going to rest here a bit."

OF COURSE we had our standard Birthday Party INCLUDING our customary party hats! 
 The first party guest has arrived!  It's Sunny!
And Jack is ready for some FROSTY PAWS ice cream!

Everyone gets a bite of the Birthday Cookie!

                                                 Hey Chance, where is your party hat? 

Happy Birthday my sweet sweet boy....and many moooooooooore! :) 

uh oh....the party guests are TRASHING THE HOUSE!  

UMMM ExCUSE me sir, but WE DON'T CHEW UP THE PARTY HATS!  We have been using these SAME sponge Bob Party hats for the past 16 years.  YOU'RE WEARING THIS ONE NEXT YEAR SUNNY!  
Don't worry Sunny, I'll tape it up.  Can you look any more guilty and sweet at the same time? 

See there we go...all is well. :)