WHY, after 9 years of living with what is at first glance normal innocent looking friendly dogs with apparent VICIOUS WOLF-like hehavior, patroling the grounds, do the bunnies INSIST on giving birth to baby wabbits INSIDE A WOLVES DEN? WHY, i ask you, are most bunnies so clueless to the environment in which they choose to make their nests?
Perhaps they are taking their chances by being eaten by a "wolf" , due to the fact that the "Peeping Tom-Cat" (yeh he peeks in our windows and waves at the dogs) will not venture into the yard...making them SOMEWHAT safe, OR they have a death wish of somekind. :|
Usually, Jack, would have just swallowed any bunny he caught, but CHANCE throws it around for a while, CHOMPS on it a little, JUST enough to inflict internal injuries, kills it, then BRINGS IT INTO THE HOUSE AND TOSSES IT TO KEITH! Trust me, I've never before seen my husband SPRING from a full reclining position like that, without the use of his legs! We're up to number 3 of the cutest baby bunnies THAT EVER EXISTED, being killed by what I once considered to be a gentle giant. :( I couldn't be more sickened by the whole thing.
Judging by these actions and his affection towards cats in general, I am fully confident, Chance WAS a cat in his past life. :| Look how innocent he looks. DON'T BE FOOLED, vicious wolf.
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