Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Earth is miniscule!

Just when you feel like Earth, not to mention, your life, is the center of the Universe, you watch this...and all of a sudden it becomes clear, the reality of this nonsense.  At this link you will see the Milky Way and a "Google" of other galaxy's.  You could analogize that Earth is but ONE grain of sand on a billion x billion (or more) mile beach.
Very Large Telescope HD Timelapse Footage
Sort of puts your pathetic complaints in perspective, doesn't it?  The fact that we are at war with each other, on our own miniscule planet is just moronic.  It would be like being at war with someone you live with.   I lose patience with the whole "Us" and "Them" attitude.....EARTH IS ALL US, THERE IS NO THEM!  Sad to know that for alot of people, it will take some planetal catastrophe to unite the earthlings.  Wait, i just realized...if one does not believe in life beyond earth...the word THEM wouldn't even exist unless other earthlings were the THEM!
 Oh, once it is known by all that EARTH is not the center of the Universe, and some freak lone planet where life can exist (ppl are so full of themselves), THEN we will have a reason to say US (earthlings) THEM (non earthlings).  So we need E.T. to show up and stand with Barak at the podium!  Problem solved!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Drawings Drawings Drawings...i could draw all day!

A Baby Elephant from http://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/  I had to draw him...he/she's so beautiful! 
If you foster an orphaned baby elephant from the Trust, you will get updates on the baby's progress, as well as the chance to visit the baby in Africa!  The keepers stay with the babies, sleep with them, feed them, and attempt to teach then how to be elephants.   If I ever need to cheer up, I just go to this website and look at the pics of the babies playing! 
You can purchase this Original 7x10 oil pastel from my Etsy shop and I will donate 20% to the Trust.

Also, I cleaned up Raggedy Ann.  I have to get rid of these drawings or they will forever be edited and added to, until....that's right a BROWN BLOB appears.

Oh Raggedy, you're so beautiful :) 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Next in 70's Series - Raggedy Ann!

I love this particular Raggedy Ann so much!  My sister told me we had ALL the Raggedy Ann's from back then...however I remember this one with particular fondness.  Isn't she so raggedy and beautiful.
This isn't done yet, but I couldn't WAIT to show you! :)  You won't find this at my etsy store yet...but stay tuned!


DISCLAIMER:  I drew this elephant drawing DIRECTLY from an existing Watercolor painting.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I cannot sell it.  Especially since the original artist is the OWNER of the David Sheldrick foundation that I support and is selling this work on that site.
SO...with that said....I was so inspired to learn Watercolor upon seeing a few Elephant Art pieces I couldn't wait to get started...I have not tried to paint a watercolor yet...but after I sketched this out...I decided to color it in with some OIL pastels...I love it so much!  More elephants on the way! Some originals next time.
Aren't they sooooo cute?  Yes those are smiles :) 

3000 lbs of River Rocks!

Hubby had me hauling rocks on Saturday.  You can't kick these suckers around, so I had to place EACH one of them ONE by ONE!  3000 lbs, and i touched every single stinkin' one of them! But they look so beautiful!  What better reason to take a cool photograph! 

We also planted some Pampas Grass!  Grow Pampas GROW!   oh...please ignore the "greenish" pool, its not ready yet. :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Commissioned Pet Portrait - only $25 NEW "Abbie"

An OIL Pastel Drawing of your pet on 7x10 acid free paper, now only $25, w/ 20% donated to Golden Retriever Rescue!   You will NOT find a cheaper commissioned pet portrait on Etsy. :)  <weg>
Here's my latest - smiling Abbie drawn for Mary Misretta of Dirks Fund Golden Retriever Rescue. 

NEXT in series of 70's drawings is......1967 Chevy Camaro conVERTible!

You might argue that is is technically a 60's item, however...it was OFTEN seen and revered in the 70's.
This was not that easy to draw....it is quite a different task of drawing something who's details and lines are SO well known to vintage car enthusiasts.  Even if your not a car lover, one incorrect angle and this would not be a 67 Chevy, but a car that merely resembles a 67 chevy.  My car-loving-husband, was my advisor on this one.  It took WAY longer than the others. Any more work on this one and it would have become a big brown blob :|  sigh...exhausting...but i love it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The mere site of a Teddy bear and I weaken.

So, I'm searching Etsy for Handmade Teddy Bears one day....JUST to see the competition should I venture into making my own custom teddies, when I come upon this...
Instantly I know I MUST have him.  Why, you might be asking, would a grown woman MUST have a teddy bear?  JUST LOOK AT THIS PICTURE! The teddy is practically screaming..."I see you"  He was looking right into my VERY SOUL!  And the story to go along with the photo was simple HEART BREAKING.  A personal account of survival, where the knitting of these teddies is feeding the guy and his cat!  OMG...I had to. Only $25 bucks.
He arrived the other day.  Here he is with my dog Jackie. 

Now please, someone take away my searching ability on etsy...cuz i just found an Elephant Watercolor that i MUST have. :|

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rainbow shoe of Yester-year!

My latest in the series of 70s memories....is the EVER popular RAINBOW STRAPPY SANDAL! :)

My momma had a pair and they bring back memories of....me being really short amongst other things.

The 7x10 oil pastel drawing is available at my Etsy shop for a mere $20...I challenge you to find an ORIGINAL Oil Pastel drawing on Etsy for less!  A print of it is $10

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Launched my Etsy store!


The prices for the drawings are cheaper on Etsy! I'll correct them on my ART/Painting page soon.

Another 70's childhood toy drawing

Ok I've finished another piece from the series "70's childhood toys"  Mrs. Beasley.  I can't decide if my drawing is bad or if she is just ugly.  At any rate...if you LOVED Mrs. Beasley as a child, the way my sister and I did, you will appreciate this drawing.

7x10 Oil Pastel "Mrs. Beasley"

The original is for sale for $20 and the prints for $10, 20% of which is donated to an Animal Charity of your choice.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nikon D5000 - Manual settings

Wow!  I am finally able to use Nikon Manual setting on the fly and adjust Shutter, Aperture and ISO fast enough to get the pic!  I suspected I was missing something, but was relatively clueless.  Here are a couple of my favs from yesterday evening.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

70's vintage toys drawing

I have the urge to create ART from 70's toys that I had.  Here's my first attempt. I had this cute little baby doll. :)  She was my fav, cuz she had a squishy body. :)  Anyone remember her?

Thanks to Yoga, I still have my teeth!

So, we had to put a small fence to block our old dog Gus off, from the pool.  Gus fell in the pool 2 times last year, both time he had to swim for 20mins to an hour.  One of the times the water was very cold, and he was reaching hypothermic levels. 
So I chose this dark green fence....whY, you ask?  So it would be harder to see.  :|   Hingsight is truly 20/20.  Not even 24 hours after putting up the fence, at nightfall, I decided to dart out the back door, FORGOT totally about the fence...COULD NOT SEE IT, in the dark and before I knew it, I went from speedy upright stride to a full on push up, with my face MILLIMETERS from the ground.  If it hadn't been for those yoga push ups, I would be lookin' like a 7 year old right now. :|  Catching myself was almost effortless, and I escaped ALMOST unscathed...but when you flip in the air, and land in a push up all HIP HOP dancing style...the muscles revolt.  ow.  My hands landed in some gravel...but miraculously not a single scrape. :)  The fence did not fair so well.   The white flags are so my MOTHER doesn't end up in the hospital :)
Too bad for Chance, he cannot play his "throw the ball in the pool and then fish it out" game 50 times per day. :(

Friday, May 6, 2011


I've added a great page to HonorDogWorld.com.  It's called HOT DOG DEALS!  haha, looking at the icon just makes me hungry.  Is that bad?  Here's the link http://honordogworld.com/HOTDogDeals.htm  
Listed are sales, free shipping and coupon codes for dog related products.  This will be a living, breathing, ever changing page OF DEALS, so be sure to frequent it often! :) 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

MS Walk Team member

My special boy Jack, was a registered member of Karen's MS Walk team a few weeks back.   This was his second year walking!  The weather was cold and rainy, so the events were held inside the St. Charles County Community College.  We were so sad to find upon entering the event, "dogs" were not allowed in the building, per the SCC Security guard.  We sat within the double doors for a while watching other dogs walk in and get chased out by the guard.  I understand the school has rules, but PUH-LEASE, I mean HE WAS A REGISTERED TEAM MEMBER! :)  a CLEAR example of species discrimination.  I wonder if I had brought a chimpanze with me, if it would have been able to enter the building. There was neither a sign that stated "no dogs allowed" nor one that stated "humans only".  This sounds like "on the fly" rule creation.  Don't worry, Jack snuck in to get his picture taken with the team. BAH-HA-HA ha-ha. :) 
He also was a winner winner of a chicken dinner!  Here he is salvating over a piece of it. :)