Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thanks to Yoga, I still have my teeth!

So, we had to put a small fence to block our old dog Gus off, from the pool.  Gus fell in the pool 2 times last year, both time he had to swim for 20mins to an hour.  One of the times the water was very cold, and he was reaching hypothermic levels. 
So I chose this dark green fence....whY, you ask?  So it would be harder to see.  :|   Hingsight is truly 20/20.  Not even 24 hours after putting up the fence, at nightfall, I decided to dart out the back door, FORGOT totally about the fence...COULD NOT SEE IT, in the dark and before I knew it, I went from speedy upright stride to a full on push up, with my face MILLIMETERS from the ground.  If it hadn't been for those yoga push ups, I would be lookin' like a 7 year old right now. :|  Catching myself was almost effortless, and I escaped ALMOST unscathed...but when you flip in the air, and land in a push up all HIP HOP dancing style...the muscles revolt.  ow.  My hands landed in some gravel...but miraculously not a single scrape. :)  The fence did not fair so well.   The white flags are so my MOTHER doesn't end up in the hospital :)
Too bad for Chance, he cannot play his "throw the ball in the pool and then fish it out" game 50 times per day. :(

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