Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kristen's Stay-CATION 2011 derails...a little

The Negative influences that I am usually impERvious to...hijacked my staycation JOY for just a bit. 
Lost the PICK head was all muddled with numbers....I COULDN'T FOCUS!  hehe
Plan to go to ArtMart to spend my previous days lottery winnings.......I procrastinate until the SUN appears all glowing and awesome, which makes me want go BASk in it.
Went to Micheals to get a new paint brush instead...get there decide I have a specific reason to go to ARTMart...the prensentation binders..and I have a coupon, but while involved with my fantasies about laying in the sun, i forget the coupon I go back home.  THE SUN with its magnetic forces DRAGS me off onto that pool mat, where I remain in Bliss for the next 2 hours.

GOTTA GO TO artmart...go there at 3:00pm, early enough to miss traffic both ways, but upon arriving i CANNOT decide and start having a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE episode of Indecisivness, and all of a sudden its 5pm. 
Frustrated, I leave the parking lot and make my way into rush hour traffic. :|   I kept yelling to the cars next to me...."JUST LET ME IN, I'M NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN TRAFFIC RIGHT NOW...I'M NOT COMMUTING, I'M ON A Staycation...STAY-CA-TION!" 
Luckily I was able to use my addrenaline of "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING", to skip alllllll the long lines and muster up enough "THEY GOT BRAKES", to butt my way into the veerrrrry end of the trafficy lines. hehheehee.  Ppl hate that. :)  I couldn't even hide behind the tint...since my A/C is I was just balls out "yeh, its me, i'm gettin'in front of you now.;)thanks"

I arrive home in just under 30 mins...which on stl hwys at 5:20pm is a freakin' RECORD!

So, I need to turn this shizzle around.   Ingredients...Dogs, and beer.
Am I in heaven?  ..or this beer is going to heaven.  Can you hear the music?

Hey...THAT DOG IS EYEBALLIN' MY BEER!  He will stop at nothing I'm telling you...he's forming a can see it in his eyes! 

Look at this sweet guy sent from the Angels! :)  He is just in doggy bliss!
He just always looks like he's in a Hallmark commercial.  Sweet Jack!

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