Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Sunshine!

Sunny Turns 1!
 Oh Sunny, you have brought so much joy to our home.  You've angered your great great Uncle Jack, you've aged your poor brother Chance to where his face turned gray almost overnight, you've eaten countless shoes (*thanks for giving me a reason to buy all new shoes, btw)  You've swallowed so much tennis ball fuzz that I don't even have to pick up your shizzle anymore, as it just looks like a green ball in the grass, you've entertained the entire neighborhood with your endless barkin'...eh err...singing, to where I expect soon to be recieving hate mail and/or burning bags of shizzle on the porch.  You've eaten thousands of paper plates eliminating the need for recycling, you've jumped on so many guests, I can't even get anyone to come into the house anymore, you've knocked over so many kids with your body slams, I've had to get an umbrella policy on our homeowners just in case.  You've bitten...uh..ummm grazed your Papa's nose twice with your teeth, to where most believe he is being beaten by his wife at night, you've harrassed Chance, biting his legs and ears, riding around on his back so much, he is tired of even fighting it, yet he still defends and comes to your rescue during altercations at the dog park.  Most of all, you've awakened me every morning with a kiss and nuzzle since I met you, and I wouldn't change this past year for the WORLD!  Happy Birthday Sunshine, and many mooooorrreeeee!


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