Tuesday, March 4, 2014

SWEET Monty...i just had to.

I decided to take it upon myself to paint SWEET Monty.  I also decided to use this opportunity to go TOTALLY WILDLY ARTISTIC...there by BREAKing the chains of conformity and restraint.  ahhhhh, it feels so good. :)

Here's how it went down:  First, I painted as usual, I don't know the style, I just tend to attempt to make the painting look exactly like the picture.

Here is the picture:

Then I realized, attempting to IMPROVE upon this picture is futile.  So I decided to add an ARTISTIC Un-Abandoned flare to it.   

More than once I thought....I should have stopped at the last pass.   The FINAL pass was when the owner of this SWEET Monty boy, said "I must purchase".   I probably would  have kept going, until it had morphed into a brown blob.  (i can't say that hasn't happened before)    The owner will get this painting with a simple donation to an animal charity :)  

Here is the final version...IF....i can bring myself to stop adding to it.   :|

You know it's Monty by his name tag ;)

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