Friday, July 1, 2011

BOSTON: It's more than a feeling...

  I have come to the conclusion, that BOSTON is my all time favorite band.  I've only realized this in recent years.  Upon hearing any BOSTON song, I am instantly soothed and transported back to a time of blissfulness.  Memories of my buddies from FHS, from back in the day when Wentzville barely existed, when the AMOCO station at the corner of 94/40 was the closest civilization for miles, when a 79 Camaro could be spotted atleast once every 5 seconds.  My hubby reminds me of this era and continues to have that same "Boston-y" "good ole boy" ambiance about him. 

This day couldn't have started any better
A kiss from hubby and he left for work
Dunkin Donuts coffee
yoga with the dogs (they are pros at down dog)
a delightful sunrise coming through the clouds
an airplane taking off at the small airport nearby for my driving amusement
BOSTON: More than a feeling playing in the backgroud.

If I didn't know better, by having performed my daily reality check, I would think i was either dreaming or dead. :|  I should really buy some lottery tickets today :) You know, when I start feeling all blissful like this, amazing things start happening. :) 

Stay cool.

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