Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I've been away in Massachusettes...

....but i'm back! 
First let me talk about this fruit has nothing to do with Massachusettes, but was inspired by a salad Uncle Rick and Aunt Joan made one time! :)

 The picture speaks for itself doesn't it?

Now let me show you the B&B I stayed at in Greenfield, MA
The House on the Hill! 
It was soo charming!

The B&B owner graciously let me drive her MIN Cooper Clubman while I was there!  She must not have spoken with my Uncle Bob about the white knuckle ride he experienced with me in STL, heehee.  I'm officially hooked...I must have one!!!

Got to spend time with my Aunt Carol and my gorgeous cousins...I'm the "one eyed girl" that apparently isn't using her right eye because I had no idea my hair was covering it at the time. :|

There's Grammie, my cousin Marc and I....Marc took me for a spin in his Charger later....

and then the Charger winked at me :) woo hoo!

Then a party with the fam!

This was early on...don't let the relaxed vibe fool you...the JAM SESSION started later....drummers, dancing and laughing of asses off ensued! 

My cousins and I held a quck YOGA session one morning on this mountain top!  I cannot believe how fast they ran up this mountain...I could barely keep up and needed oxygen seriously...and I run every day!  I am frequently called "fast walker" and i couldn't catch them...I'll be re-examining my fitness goals. ;)

It was fun ladies...and gentlemen...until next time!

Friday, July 22, 2011

NEW ARTWORK - Horse and a Basinji

I want to be riding THIS horse on THIS beach, with this purpley-blue sky. :)

You can purchase it (though my heart will break) at my etsy shop.  I secretly get soooo scared that someone will want to purchase one of my Oil Pastels. :(  I'm soooo relieved when I haven't sold anything new.  I need therapy, but that's a whole 'nother topic.  My friend Mariya, advised me to take down anything that would break my hear to sell.  I'd have two items to sell if I did that.  The 67 Chevy and Mrs. Beasley.
I am thinking about making a line of Notecard Blanks using my Artwork.  That way, I can keep them all! :)  I'll just paper my house with them. :)

I finished an Oil Painting, that was a gift for my nephew Jake, for his Graduation.  I looked and looked at this, wonder what was wrong with it.  Finally, I added some eye details and WA LA!  Complete.

Jake, give it a couple months to dry.  I'll give it to your Grandmother- Mary :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

How I almost drowned in the wave pool at Six Flags

So my friend Teresa and I are sitting in a shallow end of the wave pool, up to our necks while sitting.. waiting for the waves to restart... as the waves start coming... i notice a shadow cast over me.. i look up.... and I see this HUGE yellow polka dotta bikini butt coming at me. apparently this chick got knocked by the waves in my direction... 

This is all I saw:
THEN... as this bikini blankets my face.. i'm pushed underneath the water... with my head now pinned to the bottom by this HUGE ASS ...the girl couldn't get up...  
  my friend Teresa, thankfully notices, and GRABS my arm and yanks me out from underneath the Ass. and i am saved. the girl in the bikini never realized any of this had occured.i was 28To this day... Everytime i see a yellow polka dot bikini, hear that song, or think of a water park/wave pool, i have flashbacks.   Its like a trauma no therapy can heal you of.
as I was flailing underneath....thinking "this is how I'm going to die"...
H-U-U-GE...ass coming at my head..ok...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Abduction attempt Fountain Lakes? WTF?

FINALLY, I make it to 4 Fountain Lakes trails and 2 days later...AN ABDUCTION ATTEMPT!  I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO EXPRESS how much this angers me. 
The night before the dogs and I ventured out on this WONDERFUL trail and wetland area, I watched an unrelated story about a young girl, taking pictures at some river bank GETS MURDERED with not one but 3 ligatures, no rape, no robbery, just murdered. :|  The film was taken from the camera which sort of sounds like the 2 ACCUSED  fisherman nearby might have been doing something "fishy", and as a result MURDERED the witness who took a picture of it.  (1 convicted due to the other dropping dead pre trial)

So I'm already on HIGH ALERT due to this story I watched.

As we walked along this trail, we found a spillway...we go down to the bank...out pops a fisherman.  I ALMOST had a heart attack.  Luckily, he was not a killer, this day.  We quickly ran away...cuz i'm freaked out to begin with.
Throughout the entire run, I was looking for a "killer" to pop up on the trail.  At one point Chance even alerted to something down off the trail, growling and backing up...I proclaimed "A KILLER, RUN!" 

2 DAYS LATER a jogger gets grabbed by a man AT THIS SAME TRAIL who popped up from the weeds next to the trail, with a gun who said "Don't yell, your coming with me"  She responded with "AAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  and takes off running.  She gets away.  Whew! 
His description:  Fuller face, red hair, facial hair, baseball cap, red shorts.   THAT COULD BE SO MANY PEOPLE! :(

To think, an abductor could have been behind these weeds at this very moment just make me want to arm myself with weapons. :(

To make matters worse:
The next night, while walking my VERY OLD SLOW dog, Gus, two doors from my house, a LOUD "semi sounding" full size red truck first passes by 3 times, then finally pulls up in the dark, so DARK i can't even see, with a couple of hoodlums inside and creepily ask me "Whaaatts going oonnnnn?"  I asked "Do I know you?"  They're like "Prob not, what are you dooooinnnnnnn?"  "Uh, WALKING MY DOG! :|"   They leave, I panic as I hear this LOUD truck circling the area.  I keep thinking they're going to come back and my dog is so slow, there's nothing I can do.  The next day, a guy in a similar, if not the same, truck drives by and sees me standing in my driveway.  We made eye contact as he passes, I'm talking he had to turn his head around as he passed,  he was staring so hard, and  then I realize he now knows where I live. :( 
My CONCLUSION TO ALL THIS:  I totally need some weapons.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Aunt Carols Elephants!

My Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob (top left) rode a couple of Elephants while they were in Thailand.   I HAD NO IDEA ANYONE THAT I ACTUALLY KNEW had touched, much less ridden an ELEPHANT! yay :) 

She sent me this pic of these two beauties just SMILING up a storm!   ...and the elephants are smiling too. :)  HAHAHAA!'s late.

All are looking like they are having a delightful time.  I trust those handlers treat them well. :) then i drew this picture for my SWEET Aunt Carol, to express my totally tickled and DELIGHTED appreciation for the elephant necklace she made for me. 

Hope I did the sweet souls justice!   It's coming your way soon Aunt Carol! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Deweys Pizza on Delmar w/Yamini!

FINALLY after 2 years of procrastinating, sweet sweet Yamini and I executed our lunch plans!  Dewey's has been our favorite pizza spot since we met back in 2006.  Sweet Yamini gets more beautiful each time I see her. :)  It must be all the love from her new baby boy that is doing it!  ok...he's already 2 years old...but that's what little boys do to Mama's!  Well if babylove heartmelting...causes you to look like this, I better get started, eh?
Dewey's Pizza is a cute little pizza place in Clayton, MO on the famous Delmar Blvd.  They don't just have regular toppings, they have EXTRA special gormet toppings!! 
The Pizza's are delicious, but we love the Calzones.  Mine was stuffed with Spinach, Artichoke and fresh Oregano!   If you ever come to St. Louis, you must visit this pizza place.  No, I don't get paid for advertising...just tryin' to spread the joy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hiking at Quail Ridge Park

One of my MOST favorite pastimes is hiking with muh-COMRADS.  Not only do I enjoy the exercise, but also the fresh air and peacefulness of the forest.   I am quickly able to get the most recent radio song from repeating in my head by switching it to the song of nature.  The birds and squirrels chirping, almost rythmatically, the sound of the tree leaves rustling in the wind, the dive bomb buzzing of the horse flies and other insects that come to circle my head several times as a warning to GET OUT OF THEIR TERRITORY, :|  which always follows the sound of my footsteps as I run as fast as I possibly can, while proclaiming "I'm leaving, I'm leaving!" 
Sometimes I run through a spider web that is crossing the trail and at that point I hear INVOLuntary screams that echo quite beautifully throughout the land.   :|  I digress. 
Once or twice I take a spill only to open my eyes to muh-COMRADS hovered around me, almost as if to say "This is no time for a nap, what is she doing, sniff sniff sniff?"    These guys run free during our hikes, SHHHHHHHH don't tell the rangers, and the sight of them running full doggy speed through the woods, and happily bouncing around in celebration at each creek entrance, just fills my heart and makes it all gooey and such.   There's nothing better than a free running dog....that is on a mental leash, of course. :)
These pictures convey the paradise, until the next night when your husband wakes up to 3 ticks crawing up his arm and one going across is forehead. :|  Oops.  Well i told them not to go into the long grasses! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I think I see a UFO in this one.    Oh no wait, that's the house...landing.   haha! 

We had a wonderful 4th of July holiday!  Hubby and I enjoyed bbq Hamburgers and watched the neighbors fireworks...they  put on a show like they were shooting from a barge on the river!   Chance even watched the explosions and we oo'd and ahhhh'd together.   We were even sprinkled with a little firey ash!  He especially loved the screaming ones, he was a tad concerned about it, but I told him they were pretty so he just stood there calmly.  He's so smart, its scary. :| 

Jack, Chance and I went hiking yesterday...stay tuned for more pics!
In the meantime, here's Jack next to some flowers. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

BOSTON: It's more than a feeling...

  I have come to the conclusion, that BOSTON is my all time favorite band.  I've only realized this in recent years.  Upon hearing any BOSTON song, I am instantly soothed and transported back to a time of blissfulness.  Memories of my buddies from FHS, from back in the day when Wentzville barely existed, when the AMOCO station at the corner of 94/40 was the closest civilization for miles, when a 79 Camaro could be spotted atleast once every 5 seconds.  My hubby reminds me of this era and continues to have that same "Boston-y" "good ole boy" ambiance about him. 

This day couldn't have started any better
A kiss from hubby and he left for work
Dunkin Donuts coffee
yoga with the dogs (they are pros at down dog)
a delightful sunrise coming through the clouds
an airplane taking off at the small airport nearby for my driving amusement
BOSTON: More than a feeling playing in the backgroud.

If I didn't know better, by having performed my daily reality check, I would think i was either dreaming or dead. :|  I should really buy some lottery tickets today :) You know, when I start feeling all blissful like this, amazing things start happening. :) 

Stay cool.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Horse painting...but something is it the eyes? hmmm.

You would NOT believe how many times i redid the eyes on this one, finally i just splotched some on all helter skelter-like.  Hmmmmm.

Maybe I should just blindfold him. :( 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Doggy HOT SPOT- Natural Remedy Experiment - Day 4 my natural remedy didn't work out so well.  Apparently Apple cidar vinegar and Coconut oil taste so delicious I was creating a "back snack" :|  HAHAHAAA back snackhhahahaahaha!

It was looking good, until he was left alone for too long and almost licked down to his spinal cord!  It was looking worse. soo......

I succummed to the seemingly TOXIC pet store product R-7...which turns out IS AMAZING!!  It turned to a scab in a matter of an hour.  You can use it on horses too. :)  It doesn't sting either, Chance loves it!...or perhaps he loves the treat he gets after I spray it on him.

CHECK IT!...          Day 1                                                       Day 4 - R-7


I really love drawing horses!  Just drawing them has a calming affect on me.  I think I'll hug a tree later too. :)

For sale at my ETSY SHOP for a BARGAIN of $25, if i do say so myself.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Doggy HOT SPOT - Natural remedy Experiment DAY 1

Chance has a HOT SPOT! 
Hubby bought some generic "Antiseptic Spray", however, again,  I DID NOT AUTHORIZE THIS and refuse to use it.

Enter - Natural Remedies!!   You can view my list of Natural Remedies at my website:

ACV - Organic Raw Applie Cider Vineger
Coconut Oil - Extra virgin

I will post a picture while this natural remedy is tested.   Here's the first disGUSTING HOT SPOT pic.


A summertime delight!

You know what is good on a Warm Beautiful day like today?

Yup...a BLUE pop ice!  Yay for me! :)

Someone Stole my dogs clothes. :|

CAAA -RAP!   I....I.....I..ehhhhh :|
Chance got a ticket to the spa way of my husband attempting to shave the poor guy, which resluted in bald spots. :|  Trust me, I DID NOT AUTHORIZE this.

This photo speaks for itself. Do you see what appears to be Leg Warmers?
THIS IS NOT THE 80'S...jeesh.

Let me just say this. 
THIS IS THE WORST GOLDEN RETRIEVER HAIRCUT I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE TO SEE!  Don't worry though, he got the Groomer back by Busting her lip open  when she tried to stuff him into a crate!  hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  My dogs don't know how to be in a box.  Crates are for animals. ;)

Actually by the looks, he most likely got the haircut after the lip busting incident...which is payback i guess.

It is embarassing to even be seen with him.  I'll have to go running with him in the cover of night.

What was once a HANDSOME HANDSOME BOY, is now nothing more than a poodle-wanna-be-look- alike. <sigh>

Saturday, June 18, 2011

STL Cardinals have loyal fans

Even though the fans say the Cards are not doing well....Busch Stadium was PACKED last night for the game.  I have never seen such a full stadium.  Cards fans are the best :)  Keith and I had our fill of Hot dogs and Stadium beer in the plastic bottles....GENIUS, I tell you. I dropped mine several times :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aunt Carol's Creation!!!

Look what my dear Aunt Carol sent to me!  It is sooooo beautiful!  She's knows I love Elephants.
If you would like to order some custom made jewelry, contact her via her email address in this photo! :)

Thank you Aunt Carol for thinking of me :)

1st watercolor EVER!

Ok so technically this is the first practice with watercolor.  Can't do anything with it, cuz I ripped a hole in the paper by OVER wetting and painting.  Watercolor is EXACTLY like those round paints we got as kids.  The only thing I'm missing is the workbook :|  I haven't improved much since I was a kid...but hey....practice makes perfect, right? 

Now, I'm off to run with the dogs!    Mush Mush MUSH!  :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kristen's Stay-CATION 2011 derails...a little

The Negative influences that I am usually impERvious to...hijacked my staycation JOY for just a bit. 
Lost the PICK head was all muddled with numbers....I COULDN'T FOCUS!  hehe
Plan to go to ArtMart to spend my previous days lottery winnings.......I procrastinate until the SUN appears all glowing and awesome, which makes me want go BASk in it.
Went to Micheals to get a new paint brush instead...get there decide I have a specific reason to go to ARTMart...the prensentation binders..and I have a coupon, but while involved with my fantasies about laying in the sun, i forget the coupon I go back home.  THE SUN with its magnetic forces DRAGS me off onto that pool mat, where I remain in Bliss for the next 2 hours.

GOTTA GO TO artmart...go there at 3:00pm, early enough to miss traffic both ways, but upon arriving i CANNOT decide and start having a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE episode of Indecisivness, and all of a sudden its 5pm. 
Frustrated, I leave the parking lot and make my way into rush hour traffic. :|   I kept yelling to the cars next to me...."JUST LET ME IN, I'M NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN TRAFFIC RIGHT NOW...I'M NOT COMMUTING, I'M ON A Staycation...STAY-CA-TION!" 
Luckily I was able to use my addrenaline of "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING", to skip alllllll the long lines and muster up enough "THEY GOT BRAKES", to butt my way into the veerrrrry end of the trafficy lines. hehheehee.  Ppl hate that. :)  I couldn't even hide behind the tint...since my A/C is I was just balls out "yeh, its me, i'm gettin'in front of you now.;)thanks"

I arrive home in just under 30 mins...which on stl hwys at 5:20pm is a freakin' RECORD!

So, I need to turn this shizzle around.   Ingredients...Dogs, and beer.
Am I in heaven?  ..or this beer is going to heaven.  Can you hear the music?

Hey...THAT DOG IS EYEBALLIN' MY BEER!  He will stop at nothing I'm telling you...he's forming a can see it in his eyes! 

Look at this sweet guy sent from the Angels! :)  He is just in doggy bliss!
He just always looks like he's in a Hallmark commercial.  Sweet Jack!